Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Family's Adoption Story

Below is a story written by an adoptive mother. We hope that reading this story encourages you to open your life to adoption or foster care if it is something you've been thinking about. If you have already opened your life to fostering or adopting, we hope you enjoy reading about the experience of another parent. If you would like to share your story with us, we would love to hear from you.

A family's story:

In our family there is Jonathan, Cyndi (myself), Kinsington (Kiki), and Anthony. Everyone has been a foster/adopt child except for Jonathan- he is kind of the odd person out in our family.

I was very young when I was adopted. I was the only foster/adopt person ever in my family but I was never treated any differently. My parents have a biological child that is several years older than I am, my brother Christopher, who I am very close to.

When I became old enough I realized that I wanted to adopt children. I wanted to give someone a home just like I was given. In my work life as a therapist I saw several foster children that I realized their life would improve so much if they just had two things- consistent love and consistent guidance.

I completed the PRIDE classes and the home study and became a foster/adopt parent. I was blessed with Kiki who was turning 4 and Anthony who was turning 2. Here I was 24 years old single with 2 children who had very difficult past including abuse and neglect. When the kids were 9 and 7 Jonathan and I started dating he would come over every evening for dinner and leave at 9:00pm every night. Eventually Kiki said “ Can we just sign for him already he is here all the time anyhow and I pretty much already consider him my dad” So after a brief explanation to Kiki that we do not adopt him that would mean Jonathan and I would get married. “She said adoption- marriage what’s the difference you still become a family” Needless to say Jonathan and I were married 2 months later.

Kiki was scared of everyone at first hiding in corners, scared of having a bath, would get up in the middle of the night and hoard food. I thought how am I going to help her? Time truly was the answer she has blossomed into this wonderful full of life person that is willing to try anything. Kiki is a natural with younger children and loves to play with them and comfort them when they are upset. She is in every activity available it seems including, softball, basketball, pageants, volleyball, etc. Kiki is very passionate about the work Mission, WV does and realizes that there are several other children out there that need permanent homes. Kiki’s pageant platform is Mission, WV and every chance she gets she speaks about their mission and what others can do to help. Several people have stated they are surprised “a foster/ adopt kid participates in pageants”- her answer to them is simple “We are kids just like everyone else we just had a different path given to us than you to get to where we are today”

Anthony has the greatest laugh in the whole world and while Kiki and Anthony do not look much alike as biological siblings there bond is very strong. Anthony has epilepsy and developmental delays, but there is definitely something so wonderful about having a child like Anthony. I have learned to appreciate all the little accomplishments that I used to take for granted. When Anthony is happy for a full day, or a day with no seizures, a day was he learns to read a new word, or writes his name, a day where he is able to tell me how his feels- These days are the best days. I know several people have reservations about adopting a child with a medical problem or a learning disability but these children bring so much more to your life than you realize. Anthony has recently received approval from his doctors to go to Disney World. We had planned a Disney trip 3 times in the last 2 years but unfortunately due to Anthony’s health we were unable to go. So think about us in the third week of June as Anthony is going to accomplish one of his lifelong dreams- to see the castle at Disney World. You can bet that Jonathan, Kiki and I will be crying tears of joy as soon as we hit the parking lot.

We look forward to several more years working with Mission WV to help foster children across our state. We could think of no other organization that we would want to support more than this one.

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