Above: Carrie Cline interviews foster youth
On Saturday August 29, the owners of Camden Park offered free admission to West Virginia and Kentucky foster children who are legally eligible for adoption with no identified resource. These children were able to enjoy a fun day at the park and get interviewed by Carrie Cline of WSAZ to be featured on Carrie's Kids, a segment that features children who are legally eligible for adoption.
Below: Carrie Cline interviews foster youth
We had a great day at the park, filmed several segments, and had tons of fun! We would like to thank Camden Park for being so generous and helping us to recruit forever families for these children. We would also like to thank WSAZ and Carrie Cline for her dedication to find loving families, the social workers who used their personal time on a Saturday to bring the kids to the park, and everyone else involved.
Above: Foster Youth at Camden Park
Those who worked together to make this event possible include: Mission West Virginia, Inc., Children's Home Society, Kentucky Health and Family Services, WV DHHR, Carrie Cline of WSAZ and the owners of Camden Park.
If you are interested in adoption, please call us at 866-CALL- MWV or email adopt(at)missionwv(dot)org.